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The BADA Standard
- Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
- Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
- Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
- Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
- Bada.org is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees
Very rare reticulated and double-body (linglong) Chinese export porcelain teapot and cover decorated infamille rose (fencai) palette enamels and gilt with flowers, c. 1770, Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty, h. 13,5 cm, 5¼ in; w.18 cm, 7in. 4-19273.
◆ The first double-body pieces, including teapots, were manufactured during the early Kangxi reign, on the last quarter of the 17th century. In the 1770’s was also manufactured a very small group of double bodied items like vases, teapots and tea bowls with saucers.
◆ 第一批雙體器物(包括茶壺)是在康熙早期(17世紀下半葉)製造的。在1770年代,還生產了非常少量的雙體器物,例如花瓶、茶壺、茶碗和盌。
Stock number
5205The BADA Standard
- Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
- Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
- Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
- Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
- Bada.org is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees