Terms of the Trade: Repoussé

Repoussé, or repoussage, is a metalworking technique where a metal is shaped by hammering it from the reverse side. This creates a design in low relief.

Embossing is a similar technique in which the malleable metal is hammered on the front side, creating a sunken effect. The two techniques are often used together.

Many metals can be used for repoussé work, including gold, silver, copper and alloys such as bronze and pewter.

BADA Art Prize 2021 - Winner Announced

The British Antique Dealers’ Association (BADA) is thrilled to announce the winner of our inaugural BADA Art Prize: Katie Surridge. Katie’s work exemplified the criteria and highlights our core principles of conservation and sustainability. We would like to congratulate her on this achievement.


“Will you still love me tomorrow?”

Cast bronze takeaway container 2020 edition.


From the Artist:


BADA Friends Prize Recipient Update

In 2019 I was the lucky recipient of the BADA Friends Prize. My intention was to fund in 2020 a summer school course at Cambridge University in 'Japanese early-modern palaeography', however, it was unfortunately cancelled last year due to the pandemic.  After over a year of uncertainty, it was moved online and I was able to participate from a distance this August.  The long wait was certainly worth my while! Whilst the course was incredibly intensive (classes started at 7am and preparation for the next day took up the remainder of the day), I couldn't have asked for better tuit

Edward Bulmer in conversation with Kathryn Singer of the BADA

Edward Bulmer of Edward Bulmer Natural Paints speaks to Kathryn Singer of the BADA about his paints and how to use them in interiors filled with antiques and art, his hopes for the wider eco goals of the industry and the collaborative process of designing the new logo for the inaugural BADA Week 2021.

K: Some of our readership won’t be aware of the Edward Bulmer brand, so tell us a bit about your history with antiques, your involvement with the industry, and how it all started. How did you get into this?

Terms of the Trade: Cloisonné

Cloisonné is a technique dating back to ancient times, where metalwork was decorated with coloured material that is held in place, or separated by, metal stripes or wire. Gold is normally used.

In recent centuries, vitreous enamel has been used, but inlays or other cut gemstones, glass or materials were also used during older periods. Cloisonné enamel very likely began as an easier imitation of cloisonné work using gems. The resulting objects themselves can also be called cloisonné.

BADA is an Organisational Founder of the Grinling Gibbons Society

BADA is an Organisational Founder of the Grinling Gibbons Society, celebrating the 300 year anniversary of this man’s exceptional life and career.

Bonhams is hosting the launch of a national exhibition celebrating the life, genius and legacy of the 17th century master wood carver and sculptor, Grinling Gibbons. The exhibition opens on Tuesday 3 August – 300 years to the day after Gibbons' death. It will be on display at Bonhams 101 New Bond Street until Friday 27 August.