

The BADA Standard

  • Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
  • Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
  • Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
  • Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
  • is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees
Click here for more information on the BADA Standard

A small 19th century lignum vitae wool bowl in both heart and sap wood, which follows the traditional shape, almost all made of lignum vitae for their weight, which kept them in a stable position. They were used for placing a ball of wool, and with a smooth interior allowing the wool to unwind when in use without becoming tangled. The whole is in good condition and has a good colour and patination.


English Circa 1840.


1¾ in. (4.5 cm.) High 2½ in. (6.5 cm.) Diameter



Stock number

Open Tuesday-Saturday 9.30-5

The BADA Standard

  • Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
  • Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
  • Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
  • Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
  • is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees
Click here for more information on the BADA Standard