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Parts for a Klinger globe.

Title Broadsheet: parts of a globe.

Author KLINGER, Johann Georg.

Publisher Johann Georg Klinger.

Publication place Nuremberg.

Publication date circa 1800.

Engraved broadsheet of a horizon ring and four polar calottes, names in German and Latin, fine contemporary hand colour.


Johann Georg Klinger (1764-1806) was the most prominent globe-maker of his time. An art dealer and publisher, he founded his workshop in the 1790s and worked in collaboration with the engraver Johann Bernhard Bauer (1752-1839). The globes they offered were available in different languages and sizes.

At first, Klinger improved the globes of an earlier manufacturer, Johann Philipp Andreae (circa 1700-after 1759), and later, between 1790 and 1792, he produced his own pair of globes with the latest discoveries of Cook and the astronomer Charles Messier. After Klinger's death, the firm was continued by his widow under the name 'J. Klinger's Kunsthandlung'.

In 1831 it was bought by Johann Paul Dreykorn (1805-75), who kept the same name, whilst when the merchant Carl Abel bought it in 1852, the name was changed to 'C. Abel Klinger'.

The present broadsheet provides some of the elements required for the construction of a 5½ inch globe.


Dekker, p.384.


360 by 255mm. (14.25 by 10 inches)

Stock number

Open Monday-Friday 10-6; other times by appointment

The BADA Standard

  • Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
  • Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
  • Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
  • Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
  • is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees
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