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Oxford from above extra-illustrated with Richard Rallingson’s ‘Ichnographia Oxoniae’, 1648 plan of the defences of Oxford during the civil war.
Oxonia Illustrata sive Omnium Celeberrimae istius Universitatis Collegiorum Aularum, Bibiliothecae Bodleiane, Scholarum Publicarum, Theatri Sheldoniani; nec non Urbis Totius Scenographia.
Author: LOGGAN, David.
Publication place: Oxoniae.
Publisher: E Theatro Sheldoniano.
Publication date: 1675.
Physical description: First edition. Folio (435 by 300mm). Engraved title-page, dedication to Charles II, preface leaf, privilege leaf dated 17 March 1672/3, double-page plan of Oxford and 39 copper-plate views, 1 folding, 38 double-page, extra-illustrated with Richard Rallingson’s ‘Ichnographia Oxoniae’, 1648 plan of the defences of Oxford during the civil war from Anthony Wood’s ‘Historia et antiquitates universitatis oxoniensis’, 1675, engraved index. Finely bound in contemporary and polished red morocco. Backstrip with raised bands and gilt decoration, compartments gilt panelled, upper and lower covers with double fillet outer and inner borders, centre panel with gilt lunette border, fleuron corners, a.e.g.
First edition of Loggan’s work with views of Oxford and the University.
The first illustrated book on Oxford and one of the major works of the seventeenth century, the product of several years devoted and conscientious effort in which Loggan was assisted by his pupil Robert White.
David Loggan (1634–1692) was originally of Anglo-Scottish heritage, but lived in Gdansk for the first two decades of his life. He trained there under Willem Hondius and under Crispijn van de Passe in Amsterdam. He moved to England around 1657. By 1665 he was living in Nuffield near Oxford and in 1669 was appointed engraver to the University.
He sold a printing press to the university, and was also commissioned to produced title pages and plates for books produced by the tutors, as well as a book on academic robes. In 1675 he got married and became a naturalised Englishman.
His Oxonia Illustrata was intended as a companion work to Historia Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoniensis by Anthony Wood with whom Loggan had become acquainted some years earlier. The list of plates in the Index Tabularum in the Illustrata shows page references for binding into Wood’s volumes and the work is sometimes found in this state.
Apart from the first depictions of the colleges and halls there are fine views of the major buildings including the Bodleian Library and the Sheldonian Theatre, and a spectacular folding view of Christ Church on two copper-plates. The latter often results in the two parts not matching in either register or depth of impression — in this instance it is a perfect impression of the plate.
There is also a double-prospect of the city (two of the earliest views of Oxford), a plate of the costume of the University and a superbly engraved plan of the city containing an extraordinary amount of accurate detail and with a numbered key to the colleges, churches, and major buildings.
1. Inscribed by John Fitzwilliam in iron gall ink to front free endpaper.
The inscription is probably that of John Fitzwilliam (d1699). Fitzwilliam was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he entered as a servitor in 1651, and was elected to a demyship in the same year. At the Restoration, according to Anthony à Wood, ‘he turned about and became a great complier to the restored liturgy.’
In 1661 he was elected fellow of Magdalen, and held his fellowship until 1670. He was made librarian of the college in 1662, being at the same time university lecturer on music. In 1666 he was recommended as chaplain to the Duke of York, and, afterwards, James II, to whose daughter, the Princess Anne, he became tutor.
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