Price on application

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A good 18th century London Third period lantern clock, the 24 hour duration movement with original anchor escapement and long pendulum. It retains its original outside countwheel hour strike on a single bell and the well patinated brass case has turned pillars and entwined dolphin frets. 

The attractive dial is engraved with interlacing foliage and the maker’s name is engraved below XII. The finely cut single steel hand is probably original and the side doors and hanging hoop are also old. 

*George Clarke is listed on page 154 of 'Clockmakers of the World: 21st Century Edition' by Brian Loomes as working in Whitechappel in the third quarter of the 18th century 

It is increasingly hard to find good 18th century lantern clocks in such an original state. 

Signed / Inscribed

George Clarke Whitechappel Fecit.

Circa: 1760.


Height: 38 cm incl. finial 

Price on application

Stock number

Monday-Friday: 10:00-18:00; Saturday: 11:00-17:00; Sunday: closed

The BADA Standard

  • Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
  • Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
  • Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
  • Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
  • is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees
Click here for more information on the BADA Standard