Price on application

The BADA Standard

  • Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
  • Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
  • Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
  • Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
  • is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees
Click here for more information on the BADA Standard

Georgian Thames Valley Windsor Armchair.

A rare and large George III period fruitwood and elm comb back Windsor armchair from the Thames Valley; the yoke shaped fruitwood stay-rail above a heart shaped splat and turned spindles; having a generous elm saddle-seat and raised on cabriole legs united by a turnded H-stretcher and terminating in pad feet. Various old repairs. Retaining an excellent colour and patination.

A related armchair was recently sold by Bonhams: The Olive Collection, lot 21 attributed to John Pitt and Richard Hewett.

Circa 1760.


Height: 94cm Depth: 49.5cm Width: 66.5cm

Price on application

Stock number

Open Monday-Friday 10-5.30; Saturday 10.30-4.30

The BADA Standard

  • Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
  • Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
  • Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
  • Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
  • is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees
Click here for more information on the BADA Standard