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The BADA Standard
- Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
- Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
- Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
- Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
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A fine and large pair of Chinese export hounds seated on the hind legs decorated in iron-red, the collar and tassels in green opaque enamels from the famille rose (fencai) palette, c. 1760, Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty, h. 26 cm, 10¼ in. 7-15338.
• Chinese Export Porcelain, A Loan Exhibition from New Jersey Collections at the Newark Museum,
p. 44, fig. 196/200;
• China Trade Porcelain, by J.G. Phillips, Cambridge, MA, USA 1956, plate 73;
• Collecting Chinese Export Porcelain, by E. Gordon, plate XIV;
• A Tale of Three Cities: Canton, Shanghai & Hong Kong, by D.S. Howard, 1997 London, p. 137, cat. 175 for a pair of similar hounds;
• The Choice of the Private Trader, by D.S. Howard, Minneapolis 1994, p. 273;
• Oriental Lowestoft, by J.A. Lloyd Hyde, plate XII, fig. 29;
• Chinese Porcelain, by A. du Boulay, Hong Kong 1963, p. 74, cat. 102 for a single dog;
• Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 295 for a smaller pair;
• Qing Porcelain: Famille Verte, Famille Rose, by M. Beurdeley and G. Raindre, London 1987, p. 84, cat. 119 of a single smaller hound on a base decorated in translucent enamels;
• A Connoisseur’s Guide to Chinese Ceramics, by C. and M. Beurdeley, London 1984, p. 257, cat. 139 for a similar pair of hounds;
• Porcelaine de la Compagnie des Indes, by M. Beurdeley, Fribourg 1974, p. 151 for a smaller pair, c. 1770, p. 176, cat 103 for a Spaniel and cat. 104 for a hound on a base decorated in translucent enamels;
• Chinese Ceramics in the Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, by C.J.A. Jörg, London 1997, p. 198, cat. 223 for a late pair of hounds;
• Collection de M, Fauchier-Magan, sale catalogue, Paris 1928, cat. 11/12 for two hounds on a base decorated in turquoise;
• Oriental Lowestoft (Chinese Export Porcelain), by H.W. Gordon and E. Gordon, 1963, p. 21 and p. 28 for a similar single but smaller dog;
• Chinese Export Porcelain, Chine de Commande, by D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, cat. 332 for a single figure;
• Chinese Export Porcelain from the Museum of Anastácio Gonçalves, Lisbon, by M.A.P. de Matos, Lisbon 1996, p. 262, cat. 155 for a white glazed dog 17 cm high and p. 263, cat. 156 for two iron-red decorated dogs 18 cm high;
• The Chinese Pavillon at Drottningholm, 1972 Malmö, p. 129 for 3 pairs of hounds about 17 cm tall decorated in iron-red;
• Chinese and Japanese Works of Art in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen, by J. Ayers, 2016 London, vol. 1, p. 320 for a iron-red pair of hounds 25 cm high dated 1740/70.
•《中國貿易瓷》,作者J.G. Phillips,1956年美國馬瑟諸塞州劍橋出版,見圖版73;
•《中國外銷瓷收藏》,作者E. Gordon,見圖版14;
•《三城記:廣州,上海和香港》,作者D.S. Howard,1997倫敦出版,見第137頁,編號175 頁近似獵犬塑像一對;
•《私人貿易者的選擇》,作者D.S. Howard,1994年明尼阿波利斯出版,見第273頁;
•《東方的洛斯托夫特》,作者J.A. Lloyd Hyde,見圖版12,圖29;
•《中國陶瓷》,作者A. du Boulay,1963年香港出版,見第74頁,編號102單尊犬塑像;
•《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,見第295頁近似器一對;
•《清代瓷器:素三彩,粉彩》,作者M. Beurdeley 及 G. Raindre,1987年倫敦出版,見第84頁, 編號119單尊較小的犬塑像,底座施透明釉;
•《中國陶瓷導讀》,C. 及 M. Beurdeley,1984年倫敦出版,見第257頁,編號139近似獵犬像一對;
•《印度公司瓷器》,作者M. Beurdeley,1974年弗里堡出版,見第151頁一對較小塑像, 約1770年,見第176頁,編號103一尊可卡犬像和一尊貓塑像,編號104一尊獵犬像,底座施透明釉;
•《阿姆斯特丹國家博物館藏中國陶瓷》,作者C.J.A. Jörg,1997年倫敦出版,見第198頁, 編號223一對年代稍晚的獵犬像;
•《M. Fauchier-Magan收藏》,1928年巴黎拍賣圖錄,編號11-12兩尊獵犬像,底座施松石女釉;
•《東方洛斯托夫特(中國外銷瓷)》,作者H.W. Gordon 及 E. Gordon,1963年出版, 見第21和28頁一對尺寸較小的近似犬塑像;
•《中國外銷瓷,特別訂製》,作者D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer,見編號332單座塑像;
•《里斯本Anastácio Gonçalves博物館藏中國外銷瓷》,作者M.A.P. de Matos,1996年里 斯本出版,見第262頁,編號155一尊高17釐米的白釉犬像和第263頁,編號156兩尊礬紅釉犬塑像;
•《英女皇收藏中日工藝美術品》,作者J. Ayers,2016年倫敦出版,見卷一,見第320頁高25釐米, 1740-1770年作礬紅釉獵犬像一對。
Condition report
Ears and one nose restoredStock number
4733The BADA Standard
- Since 1918, BADA has been the leading association for the antiques and fine art trade
- Members are elected for their knowledge, integrity and quality of stock
- Our clients are protected by BADA’s code of conduct
- Our dealers’ membership is reviewed and renewed annually
- Bada.org is a non-profit site: clients deal directly with members and they pay no hidden fees